Welcome to Capella State School! Our P&C proudly supports our wonderful school and its students. There are many different ways in which you can contribute to our P&C. It would be great to have you involved!
We are currently looking for a new Tuckshop
Convenor, enquire at the school Office.
Located in the undercover area (next to the Resource Centre)
* Open from 8:30am on Fridays
* Our main aim is to provide a healthy, varied menu for our children, while endeavouring to keep our prices as reasonable as possible. Our main aim is to provide a healthy, varied menu for our children, while endeavouring to keep our prices as reasonable as possible. Menu is avaiable via QucikCliq External link
* Volunteers are essential for the tuckshop to operate. The tuckshop roster, including requests for assistance, is noted in the school newsletter.
* Lunch breaks are from 11:30am to 11:50am and 1:20pm to 1:50pm
* Orders are made online via QuickCliq External link (see below for set-up details).
Uniform Shop
2024 uniform collection day 17/01/2024 betewwn 2pm-3pm
Coordinator: Carla Langtry and Jamie Booth
Order: Online via
QuickCliq External link (preferred), cash to office (least preferred), direct debit into P&C Account (with prior approval)
Collection: Office or delivered to student classroom
Just 8 meetings per year (2 per term)!
Location: Computer Room + online via Zoom
All welcome! We aim to keep meetings run efficiently (around 1 to 2 hours). Meetings are a great way to keep up to date with school news and plans.
Minutes circulated via email to all current members after the meetings.
How you can support us anytime!
Ø Containers for Change > Donations:
Help the school Eco Club collect 10c per eligible drink containers by depositing at any depot in Qld, Capella State School ID:C10011330
Ø Emerald Mitre 10 > Shareholder rebate:
Help us collect shareholder spending rebate $’s by saying YES to shares ‘Capella State School P&C’ when shopping at Emerald Mitre 10.
Ø Book Club & Book Fair > Sales rebate:
A percentage of your book purchases goes back into purchasing more great books for our school.
Ø Volunteer! Tuckshop, Events, Grants & Meetings:
Many hands make light work! We can’t do what we do without our amazing volunteers! Please let us know what you are keen to be involved in!
More Info + Contact Us…
2023 Committee Members:
- President: Kate French
- Vice President: Kelly Magee
- Secretary: Eliza LeBroq
- Treasurer: Rachael Cruwys
Questions, feedback and suggestions always welcome!
Facebook: Capella State School P&C Association – please like our page to keep up to date with all the latest info
Email: pandc@capellass.eq.edu.au
Membership Forms: Email above or see Office
QuickCliq Information
How to set-up
Risk Management Strategy 2016