Welcome to Capella State School! Our P&C proudly supports our wonderful school and its students. There are many different ways in which you can contribute to our P&C. It would be great to have you involved!
We are currently looking for a new Tuckshop
Convenor, enquire at the school Office.
Located in the undercover area (next to the Resource Centre)
* Open from 8:30am on Fridays
* Our main aim is to provide a healthy, varied menu for our children, while endeavouring to keep our prices as reasonable as possible. Our main aim is to provide a healthy, varied menu for our children, while endeavouring to keep our prices as reasonable as possible. Menu is avaiable via QucikCliq
* Volunteers are essential for the tuckshop to operate. The tuckshop roster, including requests for assistance, is noted in the school newsletter.
* Lunch breaks are from 11:30am to 11:50am and 1:20pm to 1:50pm
* Orders are made online via QuickCliq (see below for set-up details).
Uniform Shop
2024 uniform collection day 17/01/2024 betewwn 2pm-3pm
Coordinator: Carla Langtry and Jamie Booth
Order: Online via
QuickCliq (preferred), cash to office (least preferred), direct debit into P&C Account (with prior approval)
Collection: Office or delivered to student classroom
Just 8 meetings per year (2 per term)!
Location: Computer Room + online via Zoom
All welcome! We aim to keep meetings run efficiently (around 1 to 2 hours). Meetings are a great way to keep up to date with school news and plans.
Minutes circulated via email to all current members after the meetings.
Click through to view our most recent editions of Parent Talk
How you can support us anytime!
Ø Containers for Change > Donations:
Help the school Eco Club collect 10c per eligible drink containers by depositing at any depot in Qld, Capella State School ID:C10011330
Ø Emerald Mitre 10 > Shareholder rebate:
Help us collect shareholder spending rebate $’s by saying YES to shares ‘Capella State School P&C’ when shopping at Emerald Mitre 10.
Ø Book Club & Book Fair > Sales rebate:
A percentage of your book purchases goes back into purchasing more great books for our school.
Ø Volunteer! Tuckshop, Events, Grants & Meetings:
Many hands make light work! We can’t do what we do without our amazing volunteers! Please let us know what you are keen to be involved in!
More Info + Contact Us…
2023 Committee Members:
- President: Kate French
- Vice President: Kelly Magee
- Secretary: Eliza LeBroq
- Treasurer: Rachael Cruwys
Questions, feedback and suggestions always welcome!
Facebook: Capella State School P&C Association – please like our page to keep up to date with all the latest info
Email: pandc@capellass.eq.edu.au
Membership Forms: Email above or see Office
QuickCliq Information
How to set-up
Risk Management Strategy 2016