The school Tuckshop operates every Friday under the banner
of the P & C Association.
The ABC’s of Our School Tuckshop
• Our tuckshop operates every Friday
• All orders, including orders for ice-blocks, are to be written on a tuckshop bag or order via the QuickCliq link.
Order placed on bags must be marked clearly with the child’s name, class and class teacher (it is preferred if younger students DO NOT write out their own bags as it makes it more difficult for volunteers to read)
• Correct change in the bag would be really appreciated however, if you require change it will be given to your child
• If you have included the tuckshop money in a sibling’s order bag would you please advise of this on all tuckshop bags
• Orders are to be placed in the white tuckshop box outside the tuckshop by 9am on Friday mornings
• Hot food is available for first break only
• Ice-blocks are available second break only
• Orders for first break are delivered to each designated eating area
• Students who have orders for second break are responsible for collecting their own orders from the tuckshop
The tuckshop requires parent volunteers to help it run. If you are able to help out in the tuckshop from 9am – 11:30 am please contact the school if you wish to volunteer.
How to set-up