
Student leadership


Leadership Positions

School Captains (Yr 6)

Music Captains (Yr 6)

Student Body Leaders (Yr 6)

Sustainability Captains (Yr 6)

Sports/House Captains (Yr 6)

Media/Technology Captains (Yr 6)


  • Captains will be elected through votes by Year 3, 4, 5 & 6 students and teaching/admin staff.
  • To be eligible to run for a School Leader position, nominees must have completed the blue card process of obtaining signatories in a number of areas. These areas are based on the Nine Values of Australian Schooling and require students to conduct themselves in a manner that best represents Capella State School. Blue cards must be completed and signed by students, parents and administration and handed to the Principal. The students will then be presented with a ‘School Leader’ badge on the following assembly.

  • An interview process of all nominees will take place at a specified date with the Principal and another staff member of the School to short list nominees for Leadership positions. 
  • Shortlisted nominees for the position of School Captain will present a short speech at a nominated assembly.
  • Following speeches students in years 3, 4, 5 & 6 will vote and these votes will be tallied, with students informed the following day (if possible will be told on the same day).
  • Any student currently suspended or currently on a behaviour plan, is not eligible for nomination for leadership positions.



The rationale for the formation and implementation of the School Leadership program at Capella State School are to:

  • Provide opportunities for the continued leadership development of our students.
  • Provide an effective communication channel between students, teachers and administrators, which facilitates student participation in the school’s decision making process.
  • Provide opportunities for students to contribute to the ethos and physical environment of the school.
  • Promote the effectiveness of the school in providing for the development and needs of the community at large.


Students who nominate and are eventually elected to a School Leadership Position must display: -

Responsibility   - to the best interests of the school

Leadership        - to the students

Service             - to the position, the school and the community it serves.

Students must “Strive to Succeed” in achieving the school’s educational, cultural, sporting and social goals and must represent Capella State School with dignity and pride.


Students who are elected to Student leadership positions are expected to demonstrate high standards of behaviour and to make every effort to achieve their maximum academic potential.  They are expected to also undertake other activities including:

  • Attending and following correct meeting procedures at Student Council meetings.
  • Addressing school assemblies, meetings and special functions.
  • Ambassadorial duties to visiting officials.Fundraising for purposes including – community support, school ground improvement, graduation presentations, supporting Regional and State Reps. in sport and the arts.
  • Conducting positive school initiatives including – tidy grounds, playground equipment use, etc.
  • Promoting the needs of the students and representing all students in the decision making process.
  • Assisting teachers in day to day organisation of the school.

School Leaders who do not meet these expectations will be subject to:

  •  Point of order warnings.
  •  Suspension from Leadership position.

 Expulsion from Leadership position.

Last reviewed 06 February 2020
Last updated 06 February 2020